Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Maturity Survey


Thank you for participating in this important survey on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) maturity. Your insights into the ERM processes at your organization are invaluable.

The IIA’s Internal Audit Foundation, in collaboration with Baker Tilly, will use the results to create a report focused on advancing ERM education and practices globally, which is expected to be released in May 2025. 

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Privacy Policy

All data will be collected, processed, and handled according to the terms of The IIA’s privacy policy. Results will only be presented in aggregate, ensuring individual responses remain confidential. You have the option to maintain your anonymity by not disclosing your name, the name of your organization, or your email address. If you have any questions, please contact research@theiia.org

Survey Consent

I understand that data will be collected, processed, and handled according to the terms of The IIA's privacy policy. I consent to participate in this survey under these terms. 
6% Complete