
Thank you for participating in the second Risk in Focus Global Survey conducted by the Internal Audit Foundation.

This leading poll asks internal audit leaders to identify the top 5 risks their organizations are facing in the year ahead.  

The questions will take less than 5 minutes to complete and are intended for the highest-ranking internal auditor in the organization. 

The Risk in Focus research program was originally developed by the European Institutes Research Group ten years ago and was expanded worldwide by the Internal Audit Foundation in 2023.

Privacy Statement

The confidentiality of all participants will be secured. All data will be collected, processed, and handled according to the terms of The IIA’s privacy policy and will only be reported in aggregate. The IIA will use results to produce reports for internal audit professionals. 

If you have any questions, please contact

Survey Consent

I understand that data will be collected, processed, and handled according to the terms of The IIA's privacy policy. I consent to participate in this survey under these terms. 
8% Complete