2025 Emerging Leaders

Nomination Form

The quest for talent fuels every field of endeavor. And internal auditing is no exception. Internal Auditor magazine is searching for the top young talent in the internal audit profession. What defines an extraordinary internal auditor? Innovation, integrity, knowledge, passion? Do you know a high-performing internal auditor who possesses the qualities to become a thought leader in the industry?

Please fill out the nomination form to recommend a deserving colleague for this year's Emerging Leaders, to be featured in the October 2025 issue of Internal Auditor magazine. Nominations are due by May 12, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact editor@theiia.org.

Participation Consent

I understand that data will be collected, processed, and handled according to the terms of The IIA's privacy policy. I consent to participate in this nomination process under these terms. 
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